No matter how familiar or unfamiliar you are with the Bible, I’m betting you know at least a little bit about the story of Esther.   The story is dramatic as any modern-day miniseries and is one of my favorites.  I encourage you to go read it for yourself.  Basically Esther is chosen to be queen after King Xerxes had his previous wife killed for standing up to his request.  Shortly after, Esther finds herself in the position to decide if she will put her life on the line to save the Jewish people, her people), or if she will play it safe out of fear to act.  Her uncle reminds her of her responsibility in one of the most famous verses from the book of Esther. “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

This story of Esther reminds me of a modern-day story of a reporter in Philadelphia. The Reporter, J.D. Mullane simply posted a photo of empty seats in the courtroom during the trial of a man that has since been labeled to be America’s biggest serial killer.  Another journalist, Mollie Ziegler Hemingway picked up on the fact that the press had been boycotting the trial, presumably for a variety of political reasons.  Fortunately, as a result of these two women, the trial eventually was covered in national news and the horrors of Dr. Gosnell’s actions and subsequent coverups on many levels became known.  Without going into a lot of detail, I encourage you to watch the movie, Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer, or read the book it was based on, titled, Gosnell, The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer.  Both will give you a picture of how the truth can be twisted and horrible things can be allowed when we remain silent when we recognize a wrong and do nothing about it.  

Just over a week ago, we commemorated Life Sunday at our church and across the nation.  The event always stirs a lot of emotions on both sides of the political arena.  Just three days later, I was able to view the movie, Gosnell.  As a single woman who chose life back in 1985, when I discovered I was pregnant, it was chilling to watch the results of what can happen in abortion clinics.  I realize that the clinic depicted in the movie was a worst-case scenario, but the fact remains, that regardless of the environment or how sanitary the facility or professional the team, a life is being taken.  I know that some of you who are reading this don’t agree with me, but I ask that you please hear me out. 

You see, I can remember vividly laying on the bed a few short hours after my son was born.  I was all alone in the room and began reliving the short but very intense delivery I had survived only hours earlier.  Anyone who has delivered a baby knows the pain of childbirth.  For those of you who don’t, there is no way to describe it.  I am embarrassed to say that I was anything but graceful and subdued the early morning hours as my son prepared to make his entry into the world.  In fact, I distinctly remember saying, “I changed my mind.  I can’t do this.  I don’t want to have this baby after all.”  Of course, it had nothing to do with the baby and everything to do with avoiding the pain.  But anyone listening could have interpreted my intent differently, I’m sure.  

I’ll never understand how anyone can believe its ok to terminate an innocent baby, at even a few weeks gestation, but certainly not at full term.

My heart is breaking today because I recently learned that the state of New York has legalized abortion up to the moment a child is born.  I have not researched the law, but it sounds like in my situation, had a nurse who had been standing there and heard me say that they literally could have terminated my son’s life and it would have been perfectly legal.  Horrified doesn’t even come close to a strong enough word to describe how I feel about that.  

I’ve said it many times.  My son is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.  Don’t get me wrong, I have an amazing life, but I attribute much of it to the person God allowed me to become as a young single mother determined to not only allow my son to live but to give him all the opportunities for a really good life.  He has grown into a kind and gentle man.  He loves life and is a wonderful husband and father.  He currently is helping improve the education system for children with disabilities.  But I’m certain that God has a bigger plan for him as I’ve had a sense since he was very little that he is called to something great.  

In the last few years, he and his wife have blessed us with two beautiful grandsons that I love dearly.  It breaks my heart to think that they could have chosen the route so many unmarried couples do to terminate the first baby because it would have complicated their plans for their wedding that was scheduled five months before the baby was due.  What a hole that would have left in all our lives. 

So, here I am telling the story that needs to be told.  I know many people that will disagree with my position on being pro-life, and I would love to have that conversation with you.  All I ask is that you watch the movie about Gosnell first.  

I will just say two things about it before I move on.  One, the only argument I usually hear from the pro-choice stance is that it is the woman’s right to chose.  I agree.  She gets to chose before she enters into a risky situation where she may end up expecting and beyond that, she gets to chose to give the baby up for adoption if motherhood isn’t right for her.  

I know that sounds harsh, but I think we have a problem in society today.  I think we have this mindset that anything we do is ok as long as it makes us happy.  But happiness can be a lie. It can be short-lived and short-sighted.  Just ask Eve.  Satan misled her way back in the garden of Eden.  He convinced her that if she wanted to be like God, she needed to defy God’s authority.  That she actually had to disregard what God told her and decide for herself what is best for her.  

In effect, Satan convinced her that she should become her own god.  And she believed him.  You see, wanting to become more like God was not Eve’s downfall.  In fact, that should be our highest goal.  Doing it on our terms and not God’s is where she, and we, go wrong.  Like Eve, we often have a worthy goal, we simply go about reaching it in all the wrong ways.  

Having said that, we all fall short in this area.  We want things to turn out the way WE want them to so badly, that it is hard NOT to take control in situations.  Especially when things go wrong or contrary to the way we think we should.  Fortunately, Jesus came to save us from ourselves and our stubborn insistence that we must do things our way.  

It is important that I say the following words to those who have made the choice to terminate a pregnancy, whether it be the mother or the father or the parent that insisted on it to save face in their community. If you now realize the sin in your action and ask for forgiveness, it is yours.  Jesus washes away every sin.  Even that of abortion.  

There are consequences when we sin.  The consequence of my sin of having sex outside of marriage led to my becoming an unwed mother.  I chose life, but someone I love dearly made a different choice years ago.  Even at the time when I thought I believed in the right to have an abortion, it was one of my darkest times.  I drove her to the clinic and I held her as she cried that day and many times since.  I know that she has asked for forgiveness and that God has forgiven her, just like he has forgiven me for my many sins.  That forgiveness is waiting for you, too.  All you need to do is ask.  

I know that you doubt how God can forgive you for such a thing, but he can.  It says in Romans 8 verse 38 that nothing can separate us from God’s love.  Death can’t.  Life can’t.  The angels can’t.  And the demons can’t.  Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away.  Verse 39 goes on to say that noting in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

I’ve talked many times about how God puts us on this earth for a reason.  In previous episodes of this show, I’ve gone into detail about how he uses every event in our life to prepare us for our calling.  I believe with all my heart that my calling is to help people to courageously live out their faith.  To help them fulfill their purpose, and to answer that call that God has placed on their heart.  It takes a lot of courage to step out of our comfort zone and tackle the things He leads us to do sometimes, and I feel blessed to be able to help people with that.  

Folks, just like Esther, God calls us to do things that are seemingly impossible sometimes.  When that happens, we have a choice, we can step up and take the challenge He is calling us to or we can run the other direction.  Trust me, I know because I’ve done both!

Esther chose to risk her own life to save her people.  She was the only one who could make it happen the way that it did.  Had she chosen to play it safe, the whole Jewish nation could have been wiped out.  

Our calling may not be to save a whole nation, but it might be to protect youth against bullying, or to stop domestic abuse, or help victims of sex trafficking. Or you could be called to minister to children in Sunday school or teach our next generation at home, a public school or college.  Maybe it is to tell your story of freeing yourself from a life of poverty, addiction, or self-doubt. As long as you feel fulfilled and challenged on occasion, you are possibly already fulfilling that calling. If you are unsettled and have that sense there should be something more, there probably is more.  

Whatever your calling is, you, too, were created for a time such as this.  If God laid that crazy dream to save your corner of the world on your heart, he will give you the means to make it happen.  It might happen overnight, but more likely it will take weeks, months, or even years.  But however long it takes, we have the Holy Spirit to continue to encourage and empower us.  He will use every twist and turn, every crazy dream, every whisper in your heart to inspire you to move toward that vision he gave to you.  So don’t give up.  

The devil will try to tell you that you aren’t good enough.  That someone more important or better equipped than you should do it.  He’ll tell you to be cautious that you might get hurt, or you might go broke, or you might lose your friends.  But if it is something that you believe in, that is consistent with what scripture tells us is true, and you’ve prayed about it.  You must pursue it with determination and faith. Sometimes courageous faith.   Just like J.D. Mullane and Mollie Ziegler Hemingway. And just like Esther.  

God will fill in the sketchy details after you take that first, second, or third step in courageous faith.  And if you need some help with figuring out what that dream is or if you want someone to help you develop a plan or get over the limiting beliefs about your ability to do it, I would love to help.  

Not only can we figure out what it all means and set some goals, but I can also hold you accountable so that it really happens this time.  In one conversation you can walk away with a plan for how to begin your path to fulfilling your purpose.  To finally stop drifting from one meaningless task to the next and start living the life you’ve only imagined in your dreams.  One that can really positively impact the lives of others, whether its those babies you tuck in every night, the ones you mold each day in the classroom or the professionals you mentor from day to day at work. 

We all need assistance holding our dreams until they come true.  I have a whole team of people lifting me up and helping me walk forward.  Who do you have to help with that?   If you are open to advice and are willing to act, if you recognize that serving God often demands we risk our security if you are ready to count the cost and move forward, then its time to take action.  

God protected Esther, and at the risk of spoiling the end of the story for you, her uncle was even elevated to the highest position in the King’s court.  God had her back and he has yours too.

Thank you so much for listening today.  I know it’s a sensitive topic, but I also know God has been gently waiting for me to bring it up.  If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please pass it on.  Whatever side of the argument you are on, It is crucial that we have the conversation in a kind, loving, and gentle manner.  We have enough hurt in the world and what we really need is more people to talk about our differences calmly using God’s truth and His word as the basis for our discussion.

Go. Be blessed.  Bless others and I pray this has revived your soul and inspired you to step out of your confront zone and into your calling.