As life begins to shift and we look to what our post COVID lives will look like, I challenge you to be intentional about what you let back into your routine. Instead of automatically returning to all the things you’ve always done, create a life of meaning and purpose. You may be surprised by how easy it can be with a few simple changes in the way you approach life. Listen to today’s episode to explore how you can create a new normal. 

What if, instead of going back to the stressful, overwhelming (or maybe even boring) life you had before, you could create a calmer, kinder, even more fulfilling version of life?  With or without making drastic changes. 

Be honest here. When you think about going back to a normal life, do you find yourself feeling a sense of dread? Do you shudder to think of heading back into the trenches where you hate Monday mornings again? If so, let’s dig into that and see if there are some simple changes you can make to turn that around. 

First, you will want to know what it is you are dreading. 

Is it the fact that you never had the time to do the things YOU want to do? Never having time to do your workout, have lunch with a friend, or spend quality time with your family. 

Maybe there is someone at work who simply drives you crazy. Every time they say or do something you cringe, or worse, want to snap at them. It’s a terrible feeling, isn’t it? 

Or worse, you don’t like the person you are when you are in that environment. You aren’t satisfied with how you are showing up and feel you can do better. You are either a bully always insisting on doing it your way or maybe the opposite, where you are always cowering to someone else’s ideas and never speak up for what you know is right.  

I can pretty much relate to each one of these scenarios depending on the stage of my career and who I was interacting with at the time. Sundays were the worst for me. I went from feeling joyful and refreshed after church in the morning to find myself more and more stressed as the day went on and ending up sitting on the couch munching potato chips dreading the next day by the evening. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I loved my work. And honestly, by the time I got there and into the swing of things, I was fine. Except that I wasn’t. I was stressed out. And my body rebelled in so many ways. I had allergies, headaches, and carried around excess weight that I could never get rid of. 

Once I started diving into remedies for theses things and discovered coaching, God called me to a new career.  One that fills my cup to overflowing. 

But there are days when I really miss the world I left.  Not just the people, but the decisions, and the ability to lead and contribute to the affordable housing industry that is so important to society. 

I know that God has a plan and I know I am on the path he wants me on. Looking back, I also know that I could have shown up differently in my previous career and could have truly loved all aspects of that life. 

But I am convinced that I’m on the path God wants me to be on and that he wants me to help professionals to shift the way they do life so they can fulfill their purpose.  He wants me to show you how you can learn from my experience and have a great life. Right where God has planted you. 

What if you completely changed the way you look at your work and instead of seeing it as a job, see it as an opportunity to serve the people God places before you? 

What if instead of competing with the people in your workplace to see who can be better, you worked together to influence others to live a really great life and fulfill their purpose?

It sounds difficult, but it really isn’t.

We simply look at the way we deal with conflict and reframe how we respond to it. 

We look at the way we treat ourselves and be kinder and more gentle both in the words and way we treat our bodies.

We stop judging ourselves and others and offer a little grace. 

And we stopped trying to be on top of every little thing and begin to trust God to help us do our job. 

That means letting go of control.

It means stop worrying about the rest of the world and fretting about what might happen.

It means, slowing down.

Yep. You heard me. Stop racing through your day trying to be super mom or dad, son or daughter, boss or employee, and be real. Be honest about your strengths and your weaknesses and work with them and around them. 

If the coronavirus has done nothing else for us, it has forced us to slow down and it has helped us to realize that life is short and we don’t know when we might take our last breath. 

When we realize that life is short, we take stock and start to focus on the things that are really important. We want to use our time more wisely and focus on the things that really matter. 

Even if you weren’t directly impacted by the virus, I’m guessing you had thoughts about what it would be like to die and whether you had accomplished the things you wanted on this side of heaven. To me, nothing would be sadder than to be at the end of life and realize that we could have done better. We could have been kinder. And we could have shown more mercy. 

It’s not about the work itself, it’s about the impact we make while we are living our lives, whether it be at the job, in our homes, or at any of the other places our lives take.

I don’t think the recent upheaval coming on the heels of the coronavirus was an accident. It, too, was a not so gentle reminder that we can all do better. We can be more aware of our actions and the impact they have on others. 

As a result, I feel we are even more emboldened to make sure our work here counts. That we become even more effective and more intentional about our words and our actions. 

I see these last few months as an opportunity for us to take stock  of our lives and clear the slate.  It has forced us to slow down and is giving us the chance to start over. We are all ready to begin life again. Most people I know have started the reentry process, slowly, but surely. But let’s do it right.

Let’s not just put our lives on autopilot and go back to the exact routine we’ve always had. Instead, let’s be very intentional about what we put back on our agendas, in our bodies, but most importantly in our minds. 

We all have a tendency to look to others for confirmation that we are on the right path. I am here to challenge that thinking and encourage you to find your own path. I believe that the reason we have so much anxiety, overwhelm, and stress in our world is because we are trying too hard to make everyone else happy and we aren’t living our true purpose.

Think about it. When are you most at ease? 

When you’re doing the things you love and are good at, right? Not that it’s always easy. Many times we need to learn new things and stretch ourselves beyond our comfort level to live our best life. And it can feel difficult. But accepting a challenge and stepping through some trying times can be so rewarding when we are in alignment with God’s plan for us and we are moving toward accomplishing something he has placed before us. 

When God calls us to something, we accept the challenge, and walk through the discomfort of getting there we find the sweet spot where we have peace AND fulfillment. Too many times we choose one or the other.

We take the easy route because we won’t have to step out of our comfort zone. Like when we choose not to apply for the promotion. Or we decide it isn’t our job to have that difficult conversation with a co-worker about their behavior. But that isn’t very fulfilling when we know we are called to do something and we don’t do it, is it? There is this nagging feeling that I could do better, isn’t there?

On the other hand, there are times when we go for the higher paying more rewarding job that isn’t in alignment with our calling. But we end up working long hours, sacrificing time with loved ones, and hating both our work or our life. And we simply end up missing out on living the peaceful life God promised. 

Remember what he said about that in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I believe that if we slow down, listen to God, and do what he asks us to do, we will have both a peaceful and fulfilling life. But it takes a conscious effort to do so. And it starts with opening the communication lines with God.

Our Pastor gave us all a challenge this week. He invited us all to make a commitment to spend as much time with God in prayer and scripture as we do watch the news. Basically to put at least as much good into our minds as we do the negative influences we see on the world, but especially the media. I believe I already do this but intend to be more intentional about it and I would like to extend the challenge to you. 

In fact, this series that I am beginning today is all about creating a new normal. I ask that before you do anything in that regard that you make a commitment to begin praying about what God wants you to do in this regard. 

I have developed a guide to help you through the process of creating a new normal. I’ve been talking about it for a few weeks now and if you’ve been listening, you know that this one idea has let me to not only creating a guide for you to follow but has blossomed into me completely redoing my website from scratch.  

Talk about walking the talk.  

It has been a huge challenge for me. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I’ve been so blessed by the process and feel very fulfilled by the work I’m doing. Unfortunately, there are still a few bugs that need to be worked out. 

So, while I invite you to join me on this journey, you won’t be able to access the guide from my website just yet. If you are anxious to get started, please download it today by using the link I’ve shared with this episode. Hopefully, it will be easier to find some time this week on my own site.

During these next several weeks, I will address the many ways you can reevaluate your life to begin anew.  

Together we will address habits and attitudes that will help lead you to a life of peace and fulfillment. A new normal that will allow you to have a richer and more meaningful life. One that you both love and enjoy from every angle. 

In the meantime, I invite you to begin praying to God to show you what he has in store for your new normal. Read the Bible and see what he shows you there.  If you’d like some additional inspiration, I encourage you to go back and listen to episode 14 of this show which was actually called Reviving Your Soul back then. The title is Ask and You Shall Receive. 

I invite you to join me on the journey. You will be inspired and encouraged to Live Your more, through stories and interviews with others who will share ways to create the life you are called to live. Subscribe to the show now so you don’t miss an episode.

I believe that there are always things we can improve in our lives. Even when we have a great life. Three years ago I did and I have been so blessed by taking each and every step along the way. Oh, don’t get me wrong. It hasn’t been easy. 

In fact, some of the things I thought would be easy have turned out the be the hardest lessons I’ve ever learned. And it has been painful but in a good way.  I’ve met so many amazing people along the way and I’ve gotten to know Jesus as a true friend and advisor. It has truly been a gift. 

Truly, if I hadn’t had the courage to take that first step to begin my schooling to become a coach, retire from my career, and begin this podcast, we wouldn’t be here together right now.  We are both here for a reason.  Let’s see what he’s got in store for us, shall we?

Thank you for stopping by today. It means so much to me that you would take time out of your busy day. If you know someone who could benefit from creating a new normal, please share this blog with them. It may be just what they need.  

Until next week, go, stay safe, be blessed, and live your more!