You are currently viewing 113: Sitting at His Feet: Getting to Know God Through His Word

113: Sitting at His Feet: Getting to Know God Through His Word

God wants us to get to know Him. Not as an acquaintance, but as in a true friend.

In this episode of Longing for More, Author Kelli Garms shares insights on why we all should study the Bible and how it can change our lives if we do.

This may be the most important concept you will ever learn. This powerful discussion on Scripture and why each and every one of us needs to be in the Word truly could change your life.

Listen now and then share it with your friends!

Main Points From the Show

Kelli shares how even though she was a Pastor’s daughter and grew up in the church, she didn’t really know how the Bible played out into daily life until she realized how she had handled a family situation in a way that she wasn’t proud of. 

She talked about how a Beth Moore Bible really changed the way she looks at life. 

It wasn’t until she gave up her career that she learned how much she had placed her identity on the work she was doing and not the roles she had been given. 

She also shares how consistently being in the Word prepares us for the challenges in life. She explains that we can’t wait for the crisis to hit to develop a relationship with God. Being in Scripture won’t avert the crisis, but we will have peace in the midst of the crisis if we are in the Word. 

Kelly explains how devoting time to be in the Word is not adding something else to your plate, it’s keeping your plate into perspective. It helps you put your focus on the things that REALLY matter; the things that are really important. 

Kelli also reminds us that we won’t, and shouldn’t, agree 100% with someone else because other people are fallible and they could be wrong. She also says the value of studying Scripture ourselves is because it will stick with us better and give us confidence. 

Quotes from the Show

“I didn’t know how much of my identity was wrapped up in what I was doing.” Kelli

“It’s Ok to disagree with someone and it shouldn’t sever the relationship.” Kelli

“We don’t have time to NOT spend time in His Word because it puts everything else into perspective.” Kelli

“The disruptions in life are our life.” Vona

“Physically we manifest what is in our souls.”  Kelli

“When you fill yourself up with something, that’s what is going to be what pours out.” Kelli

Favorite Verse or Saying

What God is building will last, lean in – trust Him.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6:33 NKJV


Be sure to get her FREE 6 Steps to Study the Bible on Your Own

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